Maybe you’re here because you’re asking the question – what do music arrangements cost?
We use a simplified system for quotation based on playback time of the program.
If you know the number of bars and the tempoThe speed at which a piece of music is performed, often indicated in beats per minute. for your piece, use this calculator to determine the total time:
Our rates range from $35/minute for single line transcriptionThe process of notating a piece of music as it is performed, either by ear or from a recording. to $200 for Symphony Orchestra with choir and organ.
We also scoreA written representation of a piece of music, including the notation for all parts of an ensemble. for samplers and other non-traditional ensemble types. We’ll estimate the number of staff lines required and quote from our price table for an equivalent size ensemble.
Discount rates are available for independent projects and other special need situations.
If you know your desired instrumentationThe array of different instruments or sounds incorporated in a musical score and total time in min:sec, estimate your cost here:
Or, send us your material (mp3, pdf, jpg, YouTube (or other) link, and we’ll get back to you!
Thank you for your interest!
Telephone No.9178611242